Partiyogita darpan hindi fastest Asian to
Cycle the Globe 20vear old Pune woman Vedargi Kulkarni became the fastest Asian
to cycle the globe on December 23 2118 when she cycled tnlo Kolkata completing
with her cycle the required 2000 km to
qualify distance as bicycling across the globe Vedangj spent 159 days peddlings
upto 300 km a day in 14 countries to create history pratiyogitadarpan Vedangi started her feet from Perth Australia in July 2018 and also
ended there She is a student of the University of Bournemouth in the UK
pursuing a degree in sports management The world record is in the name British adventurer Jenny Graham who had cycled
the globe in 124 days in 2C1 pratiyogita darpan inhindi